How To Be Fit Over 40: Midlife Conversations with Hicunni

YR 3 Episode 158. Self-Care 101: How to Prioritize Your Well-Being and Create Healthy Habits

Hicunni Episode 158

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Hey there! Welcome to episode 158. It’s time to celebrate 3 yrs of Conversations with Hicunni.

Can you believe it’s been three years since we started our adventure?

Welcome to Conversations with Hicunni Podcast. We are celebrating three years of conversations with Hicunni. 

Join me as we continue our journey towards prioritizing health and well-being in this latest episode.

This past year, we've been focusing on learning how to take care of ourselves so we can create the life we want. We know that it can be easy to make excuses for why we can't make changes, but in previous episodes, we've discussed ways to start prioritizing your health and well-being right away, as well as how to identify if your mindset is holding you back. If you haven't already, I encourage you to listen to those episodes again.

Today, we're going to delve into a topic that is incredibly powerful but often overlooked: self-care. As busy moms, self-care is often the first thing to fall by the wayside, but it's vital to our overall well-being. So let's talk about why self-care is so important and how we can make it a priority in our lives.

Self-Care 101: How to Prioritize Your Well-Being and Create Healthy Habits. 

There’s a downloadable guide available to help you stay focused on your self-care journey  (see  below)

So, grab your smoothie or a cup of tea and join the conversation. 

Thank you for tuning into this episode. Remember to share this episode with two people.

Get the Self-Care Guide by clicking here

Hey there! It’s time to celebrate 3 yrs of Conversations with Hicunni podcast!

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